
The most notorious hackers in internet history

I strongly believe that "Top 10 the most..." lists in hacking are unreliable. Non-industry experts typically create these rankings and rely on speculations. Journalists amplify these rankings but often lack a full understanding of the subject, leading to exaggerated importance assigned to certain persons. This can be extremely misleading, particularly for those unfamiliar with the intricacies of hacking.


TOP 10 ARCHIVE: "In today’s day and age the internet can become a battleground for cyber wars. Hackers have been known to take down crucial websites, steal credit card information, take down gaming servers, and even use their expertise to assist government agencies. In the cyber world, some of these hackers have gained quite a bit of fame for their computer expertise, becoming some of the most notorious hackers in internet history."

TOP 10

10. Lizard Squad
9. Johnathan James
8. Syrian Electronic Army
7. Gary McKinnon
6. Jeanson Anchet
5. Kevin Mitnick
4. Kristina Svechinskaya


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  1. Sunt impresionata... Am citit despre experienta ta cu mai mult timp urma si stiu ca a fost mare agitatie atunci. Era mare lucru. Dar nu m-am asteptat la locul 2, nu stiu de ce. Probabil prejudecatile ca romanii sunt tot timpul mai la coada... Orice ar fi fost atunci, asta e ceva impresionant, si trecand peste partile negative, poti fi cu adevarat mandru de tine. Mult succes in continuare!

  2. haha auzi ca 2.TinKode funny :)) ai vrea tu nebunule daca faci parte din cei 100 ai lumii sa zici ms oricum e aiurea lista Kevin Mitnick 5? really ? Kevin si Gary sunt 1 respectiv 2 cei mai buni in momentul de fata (cunoscuti) iar dupa cum ma gandesc ca stii, cei mai puternici cra/hackeri vor vi mereu ascunsi neindentificati fara identitate si cu un unic scop.Mai ai de invatat :)

    1. Cand ai sa faci tu ce a facut tinkode sa il suni:)

  3. TinKode am nevoie de ajutor inlegatura cu cei care flodeaza.. com ma pot proteja de iei si cum as putea sa intorc flodul asupra lor? te rogg raspunde-mi am mare nevoie
    aa si bravo ai reusit sa spargi siteuri mari precum n.a.s.a wow nu credeam ca e posibil dar.. tu ai reusit bravo

  4. Tinkode, Razvan e ca hagi in domeniul lui Legenda!

  5. salut TinKode am si eu o intrebare ce trebuie sa fac sa ma apuc de Pentesting
