
How to recover your Hacked Facebook Page

It's been a long time but I'm back now. In recent years, I got so many requests from people who wanted to recover their hacked Facebook pages. The main problem is there are too many incidents of this type (maybe millions per month), so the response time until someone from the Facebook staff replies can be long. After all, I decided to write a tutorial about how to do that in less than 48-72 hours.

Important to mention is that if you don't have the Facebook page verified with Blue Badge, it is very hard to prove who is the real Page Owner because it can be administrated by any valid Facebook profile (this is the reason that doesn't exist the feature to recover a Facebook page).

The story

A short time ago, my friend DJ Asher observed that he is no longer the Page Owner of his page and another suspicious Facebook profile has this role; maybe the attacker didn't want to expose his access yet. My first advice for him was to report the problem via the Facebook Hacked contact form (available option: Someone else got into my account without my permission). Sadly as I said before, nobody responds quickly.

The next step was to figure out a situation where a company like Facebook would respond to a complaint in less than 72 hours and at the same time, it must be related to our main request. The impossible becomes possible! Why? Because once a Facebook page has been stolen and you're no longer the Page Owner, it can be easily framed as an infringement of the Copyright / Trademark, as the attacker uses the content/identity of your business.

The steps

After applying, verify your email and Facebook Support.

Note: You must have some pictures/videos/posts that can be visible on your other social media accounts (written on: Where can we see an authorized example of your work?). You can attach some screenshots with your accounts (logged in) to show that you're not an impostor.


You'll receive an email from Facebook Legal Department with:


It looks like your copyright report concerns an entire Page, group, or profile that contains many individual photos, posts and other pieces of content.
It’s unclear to us that you own the copyright in all these various items, or that all these various items would be infringing your copyrighted works.

So that we can better understand your report, please provide the following:

- A link (URL) to an authorized example of your copyrighted work or a detailed description of each copyrighted work that you allege is being infringed.
- A link (URL) to the post, photo or other item(s) you’re reporting, which can be found by clicking either directly on the content or on the time and date that appears in gray with the content (ex: "8 hours ago").
If a link isn't available, provide a detailed description of where it appears on Facebook, including the name of the person who posted it and the time they posted it.
- An explanation of how you believe the content you’ve reported infringes your rights.

If you believe some legal right other than copyright has been violated, such as trademark rights, please identify that right and include your basis for asserting it.
Once we’ve received this additional information, we’ll be happy to look into the matter further.


You can answer with:


Almost all photos & videos on the page that I reported (my page that was hacked) can be found on my other social media profiles.
After insert_date I wasn't able to find anymore my facebook page in "Your Pages" section.
Until now, the page seems to be [un]touched by the hacker and all my posts and the about section are [un]changed.

That's the list with my accounts that are linked with my hacked facebook page and there you can find my music, videos and photos:

- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/your_account
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/your_account
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/your_account
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/your_account
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/your_account
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/your_account
- Blog: https://www.your_blog.tld/

After I saw in "Security and Login/Where You're Logged In" of my facebook account an unauthorized device from Country/City I reseted my password and logged out of all the sessions from that moment.
Let me know if you need anything else from me in order to solve this problem and to be able to own my Facebook page again.

All the best,

They'll be asking if you want to remove the page or restore it to the old account that was Page Owner:


Thanks for contacting us. Based on the information provided, it is unclear whether you're making an intellectual property claim or requesting an admin change for a Page or group.
Please note that intellectual property claims can result in the permanent removal of the content you're reporting from Facebook.
We can't change the admins of a Page or group based on an intellectual property claim.
If you're requesting an admin change for a Page or group, a different team at Facebook might be able to help you with that issue.
If you'd like us to forward your request to that team, please reply to this message with the following information:

* A link to the Facebook profile of the person requesting an admin change for a Page or group.
If you're submitting this request on behalf of someone else, please provide a link to their profile, and the team will follow up with them directly.

* A link to the Facebook Page or group you're requesting an admin change for[...]
If instead you'd like to continue with your intellectual property claim, understanding that the reported content may be removed from Facebook, please respond to this message confirming this and we will look into the matter further.


Reply with [demo]:


Until now, I've reached almost 15k fans and I don't want to remove the page because I want to use it again.

Request for the admin change:

- Facebook profile requesting admin change, myself: https://www.facebook.com/your_facebook_profile
- Facebook Page requesting an admin change for, my Artist Page that got hacked: https://www.facebook.com/your_hacked_facebook_page/

Let me know what else do you need, to get my Facebook Page back.

All the best,

Now you can check Your Pages in your Facebook profile account. Mission accomplished.

Razvan Cernaianu (TinKode).
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  1. Finally... a good tutorial about how to recover a facebook page.

    Thank you & welcome back TinKode!

  2. Foarte fain, am o intrebare, in "vremurile" tale, cu ce faceai hacking? Kali Linux sau alt ceva, intreb din curiozitate.

  3. Cum as putea incepe sa invat strategi si tehnici de hacking pentru spargeri de conturi ?

    1. clar nu aici :))) probabil trebuie sa incepi cu lucruri usoare, te uiti la tutoriale pe yt, pana iti dai drumu la minte si incepi sa faci chestii dupa cum le gandesti tu

  4. Te felicit! Sigur ai avut o perioada grea în viata ta dar sper ca a meritat, în final. Cu ce te ocupi acum? Ești ok? Lucrezi in România? Și dacă ne poți spune cât câștiga cel mai bun hacker roman��?

  5. Îmi place de tine
